Waiting for the realtor to advertise that they get the buyer the best price

I recently received a glossy mailing from a real estate agent describing their recent efforts on behalf of a property owner. A few excerpts from the advertisement:

Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

***Multiple Offers in 24 hours***

My strategic marketing plan generated over 40 groups of potential buyers, igniting considerable excitement from the moment the property hit the market. By Saturday, we had received multiple offers, ultimately securing a contract that surpassed my client’s wildest expectations!

This sounds good for a homeowner looking to sell. They had multiple offers to consider. They got more money that they might have. This agent helped them move to the next stage with more money.

I do not recall getting an advertisement for a realtor that goes the other direction: I found the home buyer a great deal. I negotiated the price down. I helped point out features of the property that led to price reductions. I got the buyer a great deal.

There certainly is a market for getting sellers the most money they can. Americans value their homes for the money they can provide upon sale. They want to see a big jump in the value compared to the price at which they purchased the home.

Buyers also want good financial deals. If you wanted had a tight budget or wanted to buy investment properties, wouldn’t buyers rather have someone who keeps the price lower? I assume there are realtors who do this well and want to find clients.

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